Meet the Undateables: Brittany and Mike
Frustrated by the dating app struggle? We feel you.
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Dating in L.A. can be worse than the 405 at rush hour. Here’s how to make it work.
Sometimes dating in L.A. can feel like trying to make it in the entertainment industry: Seemingly everyone is giving it a go, but almost nobody can quite make it work.
While we can’t promise we’ll help you find a perfect match in a county of 10 million people, we at Time Out L.A. will certainly do all we can to help—including tips on where to meet singles and where to go out for the night.
And if you really need some extra assistance, we’ve launched Undateables, where we’ll be setting up single Angelenos on blind dates and sharing their stories.
Interested in being set up on a blind date? Apply today by sending an email to undateableLA@timeout.com.
Frustrated by the dating app struggle? We feel you.
We’re setting up Angelenos who swear they’re totally undateable and sending them out on dates across L.A.
It’s hard being single, but it’s even harder to put up with these dealbreakers.
Why would anyone rather date in a city that’s freezing half the year?
Cannabis has reached the final frontier of recreation: dating apps.
With a bit of truth behind each stereotype, it makes the City of Angels an interesting place to date.
Some things just don’t fly, even in the anonymous world of internet and app dating.
Whether you’re already in the wedding planning stages or are trying to woo someone new.
If you want to really blow your date out of the water, try these spots.
Here’s what to do when you’re out with other coupled-up friends.
From beachside hangouts to Downtown happy hour spots.
Sweet-talking L.A. into a sentimental mood can take some effort—we’re here to help.
Lady and the Tramp had the right idea—what better way to celebrate with your significant other than sharing a romantic meal?
Looking to book a trip for two? You don’t have to go far for some fun quality time with your significant other.
Lose yourself in stunning settings and glorious amenities.