Articles (23)

The 23 best restaurants in Amsterdam
Amsterdam might be more famous for other pursuits, but ignore the foodie fun in the Dutch capital at your peril. Ideas are encouraged in Amsterdam, and gastronomic innovation has flourished as a result, and it has happened without losing sight of traditions along the way. Here, old recipes come sparkling with new coats of paint, and that only means good things for hungry visitors. Amsterdam is also a fantastically diverse city, one of Europe’s great cultural meeting points, and that is proudly displayed across its menus. People have been trading goods and ideas here for centuries, and what better way of bridging cultural divides than through delicious flavours? The best restaurants in Amsterdam straddle the divide between the old and the young, the near and the far.

The 21 best things to do in Sweden
There are so many incredible things to do in Sweden that it can be difficult to know where to start. From the gorgeous streets of Stockholm to the icy serenity of the Arctic, Sweden is the sort of place that ticks plenty of boxes in an unmistakably stylish manner. You can sauna in a golden egg, eat fermented herring, sing with ABBA and more. Sweden isn’t like other places, that is for sure. Stockholm gets most of the attention but ignoring the rest is a fool’s game. Sweden is pristine wilderness, cosmopolitan cities, rich food, incredible history, and more adventure than even the most adventurous could need. This is the best of the best when in Sweden.

The 23 best things to do in Amsterdam
Europe’s most exciting city? Plenty of spots can make an argument, but few are as fully fleshed as Amsterdam. The Dutch capital is the continent’s ultimate eclectic rabbit hole, a bustling beauty of history, culture, entertainment and the rest. The best things to do in Amsterdam cover everything from genre-defining museums to a world-famous nightlife and party scene, with vibrant markets and beautiful cafes to boot. The Dutch capital is whatever you want it to be, and it is always awesome, whether you are wandering around in the morning or throwing some shapes in the night. Recommended: The best Airbnbs in Amsterdam Recommended: The best hotels in Amsterdam

The 12 best museums in Stockholm right now
No matter your preferred museum genre, you’ll find something in Stockholm. Do you want to immerse yourself in the grand history of a fascinating museum? Sure, history can be heavy now and then, so maybe some incredible art is on the schedule? Okay, fine, we’ll meet you at the ABBA Museum to celebrate the magic of harmony and melody. The best museums in Stockholm come in all shapes, sizes and styles.But what else would you expect from the Swedish capital? Stockholm is one of the most impressive cities in Europe, after all, a buzzing hive of activity with brilliant restaurants and exciting bars around every corner. The museums are right up there with the best.

Your essential guide to where to stay in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city of the ‘small but perfectly formed’ variety, but the Dutch capital packs plenty into its relatively small boundaries. It is a city of distinct districts offering excitement to visitors, so choosing the right neighbourhood is important. Where to stay in Amsterdam? We’ve identified five of the finest neighbourhoods in the city, and the ‘something for everyone’ cliche has never been more apt.Where you stay in Amsterdam will essentially boil down to what atmosphere you want. Everything from old-world elegance to futuristic chaos is available, with plenty in between. Amsterdam has it all, so learn about the various neighbourhoods and their best eating, drinking and sightseeing before booking that all-important bed.

The 12 best markets in Amsterdam
Is Amsterdam the international capital of vintage shopping? We aren’t going to argue with anyone claiming such a thing. The Dutch capital has always been a centre for trading and bargaining, a tradition that continues today. Everything from vintage threads to arts and crafts can be found at the best markets in Amsterdam, although be prepared to haggle your way to the finish line. Everything in Amsterdam has its own rhythm, and shopping is no different. There is something addictive about the city that doesn’t let go, and the hustle and bustle of the markets might just be the best example. There are many great things to do here, and a morning market stroll is right up there.

The 22 best new things to do in the world in 2022
The last time we made this list was in the heady days of January 2020. Remember them? There’d been rumblings of a virus originating in a wet market in Wuhan, but life was pretty much normal in most parts of the world. We did our thing. We made plans. We looked forward to a whole load of new cultural stuff happening around the world that year. Except basically none of it did. Music, art, theatre: all involve gathering loads of people together in often crowded spaces. Not good during the Panny D. Big openings were cancelled. Festival season was a write-off. We even stopped writing about going out altogether and rebranded as something called Time In. Throughout it all, our planners looked depressingly empty. But now, happily, we live in a world where vaccines have allowed things to return to some semblance of normality. And while we skipped a 2021 edition of this definitive global events and openings calendar, we’re pretty confident that almost all of the amazing things you’ll find below will happen next year. So, Omi C permitting (someone had to start calling it that), here are the 22 best new things to do in the world in 2022, from massive new museums to huge gigs, theatre shows and art exhibitions you won’t want to miss. RECOMMENDED: 🖼️ The 20 best museums and galleries in the world🚂 11 of the most incredible train journeys around the world🌊 9 cities that could be underwater by 2030🌹 The most romantic places in the world 🍸 The 28 coolest bars in the world right now

The 5 best day trips from Amsterdam
Small but perfectly formed. There, we said it. That old cliche does fit the Netherlands to a tee, and Amsterdam is a tremendous base for exploring the best that this beautiful place offers. Amsterdam itself is one of the great European cities, a destination filled with fascinating things to do (and just as much to do at night), so why not bring the two together and explore the capital before venturing into the country? With that in mind, these are the best day trips from Amsterdam. That’s right, the best. There is a little something for everyone included, and the excellent Dutch public transport network means all are pretty accessible. This country knows what it is doing, that’s for sure.

What to do in Vesterbro, Copenhagen’s coolest neighbourhood
What’s the deal with Vesterbro? Little evidence remains today of the seedy nightlife that once gave Vesterbro such a sordid reputation. As the drug dealers and prostitutes moved out, students, artists and other creatives moved in, turning this formerly industrial district into Copenhagen’s new epicentre of cool. These days, dive bars and tattoo parlours sit happily next to offbeat boutiques and charming courtyard restaurants, while abandoned warehouse spaces have been converted into huge studio and startup complexes. The vibe is laid back yet sophisticated; above all, diversity reigns supreme – you’re as likely to encounter heavily pierced rock’n’rollers as young families or MacBook-toting yopros. The sheer range of cultures contained within Vesterbro gives the neighbourhood its allure, bustle and vibrant array of shops, bars, galleries, cafés and restaurants. Whatever you’re after, you’ll find someone doing it – and doing it well – in this part of town. RECOMMENDED: Full guide to the 49 coolest neighbourhoods in the world If you only do one thing... Photograph: Martin Heiberg It may be a Copenhagen cliché, but deservedly so. Don’t miss the rickety wooden rollercoaster at Tivoli Gardens, the world’s second-oldest theme park. You’ll also find a host of thrilling rides and traditional games, plus live theatre and a beautiful Japanese garden. The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek museum next door is also worth going to for its rooftop views and room dedicated to Degas’s bronze ballerina

The 12 absolute best brunches in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is paradise for brunch lovers. Are you surprised? Of course not, this is Amsterdam we’re talking about, it ticks most of the boxes that need ticking. World-beating museums and galleries? You’ll find them in spades. Rambunctious nightlife among the best on the planet? You better believe it. What better way to soak up some of the excesses than with the best brunches in Amsterdam? No better way, obviously. Mid-morning treats are taking over, so you might as well just get on this bandwagon before it leaves. A wide range of stylish cafes and innovative restaurants serve up creativity and the classics in equal measure, meaning you can enjoy the sights without dealing with a rumbling tummy all day long.

The 11 best clubs in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is a hedonist’s haven, a city of pub crawls, coffeeshops and neon red lights that have long attracted party people like the proverbial moth to the flame. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a night out in Amsterdam is a gimmick though, far from it. The best clubs in Amsterdam are every bit the equal to those found across the continent, and at times it can feel as though the Dutch capital has taken the best bits of Berlin, Barcelona and Budapest and smashed them together to create a night out you’ll never forget. From brutalist bunks and former squats to sleek modern stunners, follow our lead (and that of the nachtburgemeester, a night mayor) for the perfect night on the tiles in Amsterdam.

The 13 best coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Don’t be surprised to see a distinct lack of espressos in the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam. The moniker trips up visitors every year, newcomers naive to the naming of Amsterdam’s joint-heavy cafes with marijuana menus. The term might be ‘coffeeshop’, but this denotes an alcohol-free establishment where cannabis can be purchased and enjoyed. As integral to Amsterdammer culture as its museums, restaurants and nightlife, the best coffeehouses in Amsterdam are heaps of fun and plenty of fascinating at the same time. There are more than 100 licensed coffeeshops in the city, but pay special attention to these. RECOMMENDED: Full guide to the best restaurants in Amsterdam
News (2)

アムステルダムを「罪の街」と呼ぶのは簡単だ。この街は観光客にとってはもちろん、一部の地元の人たちにとっても、(毎晩ではないにせよ)酒色にふけり楽しい時間を過ごせる場所だろう。しかし、きらびやかな運河と絵のように美しい切妻屋根の家々が並ぶアムステルダムは最近、持続可能性とグリーンイノベーションの砦(とりで)としての地位を確立しつつある。それを裏付けるように、今年タイムアウトが実施した都市調査でも、この街は世界で3番目に「環境に優しい都市」「サスティナブルな都市」に選ばれた。 同市がそうした状況にあるのは、循環型経済への全面的な取り組みとして、いわゆる「ドーナツモデル」を採用している結果といえる。これはオックスフォード大学の経済学者であるケイト・ラワースが、2012年に発表した現代的な持続可能性を実現するためのビジョンで、「廃棄物と汚染を可能な限りの排除すること」「製品や素材を使い続けること」「自然のシステムを再生させること」の3つの要素が指針とされる。アムステルダムではこのように、再生可能なエネルギーと素材の利用に重きを置きながら、さらに「デジタル・イノベーション」にも焦点を当てている。 これらの取り組みのゴールは、人類のニーズを満たしつつ、地球のために実行可能な未来を創造すること。そういう意味では、このスイートスポット(つまり「ドーナツ」)は、あらゆる政府が目指してもいいのかしれない。 ドーナツモデルの採用 アムステルダムは2015年、世界で初めて都市レベルでドーナツモデルの可能性について検討するため、調査を実施。その後は報告書に基づいて、再生可能エネルギーや緑地、持続可能なフードシステムの構築、消費の削減など、数多くの野心的な政策や目標を採択してきた。 市は2030年までの目標として、「二酸化炭素排出量の55%削減」「電力の80%を再生可能エネルギーで賄うこと」「個人消費の50%削減」を設定。さらに公園の数を増やしたり、あらゆる製品を修理して再利用するためのインフラを整備するといった、市が長期的な視点を感じ取れる具体的な目標も掲げている。 アムステルダム版ドーナツモデル『Amsterdam City Doughnut』の影響範囲は幅広く、市の『Circular Strategy(循環戦略)2020-2025』の中心的構成要素としても位置づけられている。この戦略は「地球の限界を尊重しながら、全ての市民に繁栄をもたらす、リジェネラティブでインクルーシブな都市」の実現するために策定されたものだ。 コロナ禍のドーナツモデル 「変革のためのツール」と銘打たれたこの戦略は、ラワース本人も協力した開発フェーズを経て、2020年4月に発表された。しかし、その頃ちょうど世界中でロックダウンが発生。ところが、パンデミックはこの戦略の障害になるどころか、多くの都市住民が根本的な「変化」を待ち望んでいたことを気付かせてくれるきっかけとなった。 「タイミングには疑問も感じていましたが、結果的には人々は危機後の経済を立て直すためのアイデアを求めていることが分かりました」と語るのは、アムステルダムのサステナビリティ担当副市長のマリーケ・ファン・ドーニンクだ。 彼女は同市の循環戦略について、「単に 『それまでのビジネス』に戻るのではなく、経済を異なる形にする方法を模索するためのツール。経済回復のための計画としても注目されています」と教えてくれた。さらにそのメリットは誰の目にも明らかであるべきだと、次のように強調した。「循環型経済は生産、消費、再処理が地域で行われるため、より

How Amsterdam is embracing the ‘doughnut model’ – and why other cities should too
It’d be all too easy to dismiss Amsterdam as a City of Sin, with hordes of tourists – and a fair few locals – pursuing debauchery and late-night revelry seven days a week. But recently this city of glittering canals and picturesque gabled houses has also positioned itself as a bastion of sustainability and green innovation. So much so that earlier this year, Time Out readers voted it the third ‘greenest’ – and third most ‘sustainable’ – city in the world. This is largely thanks to the Dutch capital’s wholehearted embrace of a circular economy, the so-called ‘doughnut model’: a vision of modern sustainability first set out by University of Oxford economist Kate Raworth in 2012. This is driven by three guiding principles: eliminate waste and pollution as far as possible, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate ‘natural systems’. Renewable energy and materials should be prioritised, and there should also be a focus on ‘digital innovation’. The main goal is to create a viable future for the planet, while also meeting the needs of the human population: this sweet spot, the doughnut, is what all governments should be aiming for. Back in 2015, Amsterdam was the first city in the world to commission a study into the model’s potential at the city level. That report led to the adoption of a raft of ambitious policies and targets, ranging from renewable energy and green spaces to building sustainable food systems and reducing consumption. The city aims to cut carbon emissions